
La Roche-Posay: Solution Micellaire physiologique

June 28, 2008

I´ve run out of my favourite all-in-one product right before leaving on holiday, which is not a good time to run out of this brilliant cleanser! I have long been skeptical of products that can do it all, because I want to avoid bad skin days more than I care about convenience. The Solution Micellaire Physiologique marries the best of both worlds, as it effectively cleanses and tones removing the last bits of make-up yet still leaving skin unscathed, as it is a very gentle product.

It contains no alcohol, no soap, no colouring agents, and is non-comédogène. It is described on its product web page as made for the face, as “sensitive skin, eyes and lips are perfectly cleansed; their physiological balance is respected.”

La Roche-Posay is a French pharmaceuticals company that is now part of the Lóreal group. They make a limited yet dedicated range of skin care products, as well as make-up and hair-care products, and is on offer in pharmacies across mainland Europe. This particular product won´t set you back much, as a 200 ml bottle hovers around the €11 mark.

Demaquille en douceur visage, yeux, lévres: Gently cleanses face, eyes and lips.

La Roche-Posay Website

Available: Mainland Europe

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