

May 31, 2008

Finally someone has done it. Simpleweather.com is exactly what it sounds like – a website that gives you the weather report for your city (in any country!) and presents it in an understandable way. It´s the ipod of the weather world. And I love it.

Here is what they say about themselves:

SimpleWeather.com is an easy-to-use, no nonsense weather site. We give you exactly what you’re looking for: the weather. No portals, maps, crazy geo stuff, or travel forecasts. SimpleWeather is designed to be extremely helpful and fast. Our goal is to provide you the weather as easily and quickly as possible. We like to keep it, well, simple.

No longer do I have to have up both CNN and BBC weather forecasts to try to make sense of what is in store weather-wise. Simpleweather is reliable, accurate, and not at all fussy. And it´s apparently very popular in Norway, too!

Available online at www.simpleweather.com

One comment

  1. Thanks for the great review!

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